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Core Java Course Contents

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Welcome to our Java course in Visakhapatnam! If you're looking to dive into the world of programming and want to learn Java, you've come to the right place. At our Java Training Institute in Visakhapatnam, we offer a comprehensive Java training course in vizag that covers all the essential concepts and skills you need to become a proficient Java developer.

Why Choose Our Java Course in Visakhapatnam?

Our Java Training in Visakhapatnam provides you with the flexibility to learn from the comfort of your own space. You can access our expert-led training sessions from anywhere, making it convenient for working professionals and students alike. We understand the importance of hands-on experience, and our instructors ensure that you get plenty of practical exposure to real-world Java programming.

Our Comprehensive Java Course in Vizag will teach you all you need to know about Java.

Our Java course in vizag is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to become a proficient Java developer. Whether you're a beginner or have some prior programming experience, this course caters to learners of all levels. If you want to explore advanced Java concepts, we provide advanced Java course in vizag. You can read more about our advanced Java course format here.

Here you will learn about our Java Course Curriculum in Visakhapatnam

Fundamentals and advanced concepts of the Java programming language. Participants learn to write, compile, and run Java code, creating applications and solving real-world problems. In our Java course in vizag cover topics like variables, data types, control structures, object-oriented programming, exception handling, file handling, graphical user interfaces, and more. These courses often include hands-on projects to reinforce learning, and they're suitable for beginners and experienced programmers looking to enhance their skills. After successful completion of a java training in visakhapatnam  equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to develop Java applications and pursue a career in software development.

Course Contents (Chapters)


  1. Introduction to Java Technology
  2. Introduction to Java Programming
  3. Datatypes & Operators
  4. Control Structures, Arrays, Strings &Wrapper Classes
  5. Interfaces
  6. Exception Handling
  7. File Handling / (Input / Output) in Java
  8. Multithreading
  9. Collections Framework


  1. Java7 – Features – Examples
  2. Java8 – Functional Programming/ Lambda Expressions & Streams
  3. Java9 – Modules (JPMS)
  4. Java 10, 11 & 12 Features – Examples
  5. Java14 and Java 17 Features – Examples
  6. Networking / Socket Programming
  7. Miscellaneous topics
  8. GUI Programming using Swings

Contents in detail PHASE-I


Chapter-1: Introduction to Java Technology

  1. Java Editions
  2. How much popular is Java Programming Language
  3. What makes Java so special
  4. Platform Independent Feature


  1. What is Java, What is Java actually
  2. S/W required
  3. Java IDEs
  4. Popular s/w developed using Java
  5. Key Features of Java


  1. First Java Program & Setting Path (temporary, permanent)
  2. Phases from Coding to Execution in a Java Program
  3. Topics removed from C, C++
  4. How to use Eclipse IDE & some of its popular features


Chapter-2: Introduction to Java Programming

  1. Concatenation operator
  2. Robust feature – demo
  3. Creating an object
  4. Reading an integer, Scanner object
  5. Sum of two integers


  1. Dealing with multiple classes
  2. Dealing with fields/instance variables, setter method, String class
  3. private fields, getter methods
  4. Constructors examples
  5. What if a field is not initialized


  1. Visibility modifiers
  2. Function call mechanisms in Java
  3. this reference
  4. Comparing objects
  5. Garbage collection


  1. Printing the IDs of objects
  1. Another use of this reference
  2. static fields
  3. Predefined static methods
  4. static import
  5. User defined static methods


  1. extends keyword
  2. Method overriding & usage of super keyword
  3. Demo on some rules regarding function overriding
  4. Invoking base class constructors
  5. final class, final methods & final fields


  1. Upcasting, downcasting
  2. Multiple inheritance in Java
  3. Creating our own Package/Library/JAR and using it - using Eclipse IDE
  4. Assignment1: Calculate area of a circle
  5. Assignment2: Calculate simple interest
  6. Assignment3: Both usages of super keyword


Chapter-3: Datatypes & Operators

  1. Classification of datatypes
  2. Loss of precision error
  3. Typecasting
  4. boolean example
  5. Modulus operator unlike in C
  6. Relational operator unlike in C
  7. Boolean logical operator unlike in C
  8. Inconvertible types
  9. Default values for fields
  10. Concatenation operator revisited


Chapter-4: Control Structures, Arrays, Strings & Wrapper Classes

  1. Control structures classification
  2. Using \t
  3. Infinite loop unlike in C
  4. break, continue
  5. Labeled break, labeled break – nameless block, improper use of labeled break
  6. Labeled continue


  1. Arrays – declaration & definition – diff. methods
  2. Accessing array elements
  3. Robust feature – Array index out of bounds
  1. length property
  2. Assigning arrays
  3. Enhanced for loop/ for each for loop/ advanced for loop
  4. 2-D array declaration


  1. Matrix program
  2. Creating array of objects
  3. Strings introduction, String class methods
  4. Comparing using equals()
  5. compareTo()
  6. StringTokenizer


  1. Command line arguments
  2. String Vs StringBuffer
  3. StringBuffer methods
  4. Wrapper classes – intro
  5. Boxing, unboxing


  1. Autoboxing, autounboxing
  2. Converting String to integer
  3. Converting integer to String
  4. Assignment1: Sum of all digits of a given number
  5. Assignment2: Print all prime numbers in a given range
  6. Assignment3: Enter a person’s name and display only the last word completely
  7. Assignment4: Get the numeric part in a given string
  8. Assignment5: Calculate Power Bill
  9. Assignment6: Print Results sheet from the student’s marks in an array


Chapter-5: Interfaces

  1. Every method is a virtual method-proof
  2. What is an interface
  3. Creating an interface and implementing it
  4. Demo on Runtime Polymorphism
  5. Multiple inheritance – through interfaces
  6. Few points on Interfaces


  1. Why multiple inheritance is OK with interfaces
  2. A class can impl. any no. of interf. & at the same time extend a class
  3. abstract class, abstract methods
  4. Assignment1: Runtime Polymorphism on Animals – eating task
  5. Assignment2: Runtime Polymorphism on Printers


Chapter-6: Exception Handling

  1. What is an exception
  2. What is exception handling
  3. Examples of exceptions
  4. keywords used
  5. What should be done when an error occurs
  6. Example without using exception handling
  7. using exception handling ( ArithmeticException)
  8. NumberFormatException( with/withour)
  9. Multiple catch blocks
  10. Nested try/catch


  1. finally clause
  2. throw – introduction
  3. Throwing a predefined exception class object
  4. Throwing a userdefined exception class object
  5. throws clause introduction
  6. Stack example
  7. Demo on printStackTrace()
  8. Exceptions & Error
  9. Checked exceptions and unchecked exceptions
  10. Assignment1 – Bank Transactions


Chapter-7: Input / Output in Java

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting the list of filenames and subdirectory names in a directory


  1. FileInputStream, FileOutputStream
  2. FileReader, FileWriter
  3. BufferedReader, PrintWriter
  4. DataOutputStream, DataInputStream


  1. Printing objects directly
  2. Serialization/Deserialization


  1. Assignment1: Find whether the program is being run for the 1st time or not
  2. Assignment2: Writing a set of students records and reading all of them
  3. Assignment3: Display only non-blank lines


Chapter-8: Multithreading

  1. Introduction
  1. Display current thread’s name
  2. Another method
  3. Changing name of current thread
  4. sleep() demo
  5. Creating our own-threads-two ways
  6. Implementing Runnable interface – three varieties


  1. Extending Thread class
  2. Synchronization- introduction
  3. Synchronization –two varieties
  4. Producer-Consumer problem
  5. Inter-thread communication (Producer-Consumer problem solution)


  1. Thread Life-Cycle
  2. Types of Locks
  3. Assignment1: Update Marks and Read Marks into a shared data resource using Synchronization
  4. Assignment2: Railway Ticket Booking with Synchronization


Chapter-9: Collections Framework

  1. Introduction
  2. Hashset
  3. Treeset
  4. Arraylist
  5. Iterator


  1. Vector – four sets of functions
  2. Reversing & sorting a primitive collection
  3. Linkedlist
  4. Stack
  5. Arrays class
  6. Hashtable
  7. Treemap
  8. Hashmap Vs treemap Vs linkedhashmap


  1. Date – three varieties
  2. Generics
  3. Sorting collection of User Defined Objects
  4. Sorting collection of User Defined Objects – with multiple options along with the default sort
  5. Collections Framework Hierarchy
  6. Assignment1: Read phone numbers and eliminate duplicates
  7. Assignment2: Read cricket players’ names and scores and get a particular player’s score by giving his

name as key



Chapter-10: Java7 Features – Examples

  1. Strings in switch Statements
  2. try-with-resources Statement
  3. Underscores in Numeric literals
  4. Type inference for Generic instance Creation Diamond symbol
  5. Improved Exception Handling - catch multiple exception types using a single catch block.


Chapter-11: Java8 Features Round-1

  1. Why Lambdas?
  2. Functional Programming Vs Object Oriented Programming
  3. Program: Without Lambda Expressions Ex1
  4. Program: Without Lambda Expressions Ex2 – using Polymorphism
  5. Program: With Lambda Expressions
  6. Program: Functional Interface Demo
  7. Program: Implementing the earlier program using Functional Interface
  8. Program: Lambdas Vs Interface Implementation classes
  9. Program: Runnable using Lambda – without using lambda – the traditional way
  10. Program: Runnable using Lambda – using lambda



  1. Program: ForEach iteration - demo
  2. Program: Function composition / streams – demo
  3. Program: Parallelism – demo
  4. Program: Demo on collect() static method of Collectors class – giving a List
  5. Program: Demo on collect() static method of Collectors class – giving a Set
  6. Program: Demo on collect() static method of Collectors class – giving a Map
  7. Program: Demo on collect() static method of Collectors class – giving a Group By Result


Chapter-12: Java9 – Modules (JPMS)

  1. Class Vs Package Vs Module
  2. Module Vs JAR
  3. Demo on Creating a Module and using it


Chapter-13: Java 10, 11 & 12 Features – Examples

  1. Program: Java 10 Feature - local variable type inference
  2. Program: Java 11 Feature - String class - new methods
  3. Program: Java 11 Feature - java.nio.file.Files Changes
  4. Program: Java 12 Feature - Compact formatting of numbers – Ex1
  5. Program: Java 12 Feature - Compact formatting of numbers – Ex2
  1. Program: Java 12 Feature - Files mismatch


Chapter-14: Java14 & Java17 Features

  1. Program: Text blocks
  2. Program: New switch syntax as statement – Ex1
  3. Program: New switch syntax as statement – Ex2
  4. Program: New switch syntax as an expression
  5. Program: switch with yield (to return a value)
  6. Program: Pattern Matching for instanceof
  7. Program: record
  8. Program: Pattern Matching for “switch”
  9. Program: Multi-line String


Chapter-15: Networking / Socket Programming

  1. Introduction To Networking
  2. Client/server program
  3. Chatting program
  4. One Server multiple clients


  1. Demo on using URL class
  2. To Print all the addresses of a given website name
  3. To find the hostname of local machine
  4. Reading from a webpage


Chapter-16: Miscellaneous topics

  1. Inner classes – four varieties
  2. Demo on Runtime class
  3. Demo on enum keyword
  4. Variable length argument list functions
  5. finalize()
  6. static constructor
  7. static import revisited


  1. Comparable interface
  2. Comparator interface
  3. Polymorphism with Generics
  4. Generic classes
  5. Generic methods


  1. Private constructor
  2. Queue
  1. Singleton Design Pattern
  2. Calendar class
  3. ListIterator demo


Chapter-17: GUI Programming using Swings

  1. Introduction to Swings
  2. Demo on Button click event handling
  3. Demo on Check Box
  4. Demo on Combo Box
  5. Demo on Table
  1. History
    1. Jdk
    2. Jre
    3. jvm
  2. Java Feature
  3. Variable / Identifier
  4. Data type (Primitive and non primitive) / Wrapper class
  5. Type casting (implicit and explicit)
  6. Boxing and un-boxing
  7. Keyword
  8. Operator (arithmetic , logical, relational, and ternary )
  9. Separator
  10. Comment in java (single and multiline)

Object and classes

Objects are instances of classes, which serve as blueprints or templates for creating objects. Classes define the structure and behavior of objects, encapsulating their data (attributes) and methods (functions). Java follows an object-oriented programming paradigm, where objects are the building blocks used to model and interact with data and functionality in the software. It allows for modular, reusable, and organized code, making it a fundamental concept in Java programming.

  1. Use of object
  2. Creation of object and its type
  3. Top level class
  4. Inner class
    1. Static classes
    2. Non static classes
    3. Local classes
    4. Anonymous classes
  5. Constructor
    1. Constructor overloading
    2. Constructor chaining
  6. Method
    1. Method overloading
    2. Method overriding

Control statement

Control statements in Java are essential for making decisions and controlling program flow. They include "if" for conditional branching, "for" and "while" loops for iteration, and "switch" for multiple branching.

  1. Branching  / Selection (if, if-else, else-if, switch)
  2. Iteration / looping (for,  while, do-while)
  3. Jumping (return, break, continue)


Arrays in Java are used to store multiple values of the same type. They provide a structured way to manage and manipulate data, making them fundamental for efficient data handling in Java.

  1. Single dimension
  2. Multi dimension


Inheritance in Java is a mechanism where a new class can inherit properties and behaviors from an existing class. It promotes code reusability and hierarchical structuring of classes.

  1. Single level
  2. Multi level
  3. Hierarchical


Keywords in Java are reserved words with special meanings and predefined functionality within the programming language. They cannot be used as identifiers or variable names.

  1. Some special keyword
    1. This keyword
    2. Super keyword
    3. Final keyword
    4. Static keyword
    5. Abstract keyword
  2. Access specifier
    1. Default
    2. Public
    3. Private
    4. Protected

Interface and Abstract class

Java course in Vizag, we explore two crucial concepts: Interfaces and Abstract Classes. An interface defines a contract that classes must implement, enabling multiple inheritance and ensuring consistent behaviors. Abstract classes provide a blueprint for subclasses but can't be instantiated themselves. Both are vital in achieving code modularity and flexibility in Java development. Understanding these concepts is fundamental for building robust, extensible Java applications.

String Handling

String handling in our Java course covers manipulating and processing text data. We delve into creating, modifying, and searching strings, a fundamental skill for Java developers.

  1. String class(Immutable class)
    1. Different way of string object creation
    2. Memory allocation of string.
    3. Heap memory
    4. Global  heap memory
    5. Static memory
  2. StringBuffer class(Mutable class) / StringBuilder class
  3. StringTokenizer class

Exception Handling

Exception handling in Java is vital for managing errors during program execution. We teach students to handle and recover from exceptions to ensure robust and reliable Java applications. In our blog, you will find the different types of exceptions in Java, including checked and unchecked exceptions, as well as how to use try-catch blocks to manage


Threading in Java allows concurrent execution of tasks, enhancing performance and responsiveness. Our Java course covers thread creation, synchronization, and management, enabling students to build efficient multi-threaded applications.

  1. What is Multitasking?
  2. What is the process?
  3. What is the thread?
  4. What is the multithreading?
  5. Thread life cycle
  6. Thread synchronization

IO Stream

IO (Input/Output) Streams in Java are used for reading and writing data. Our Java course covers working with various streams to efficiently handle data input and output operations in Java applications.

  1. Byte Stream
  2. Character Stream
  3. Serialization and de-serialization
  4. Externalization (serialize a static object/variable)

Collection API

Java Collections API provides a framework for working with groups of objects, such as lists, sets, and maps. It includes interfaces and classes like List, Set, Map, and various utility classes for data manipulation. This API simplifies data storage and manipulation, enhancing the efficiency and versatility of Java programs.

Reflection API (Dynamic class loading)

Reflection API in Java allows for dynamic class loading and runtime examination of class attributes and behaviors. It enables access to class information, methods, fields, and constructors at runtime, making it possible to create, inspect, and modify classes dynamically. This is useful for tasks like dependency injection and plugins.

TCP/IP and Socket Programming

TCP/IP is a foundational protocol suite for internet communication. In Java, socket programming uses TCP/IP to establish network connections. Sockets are endpoints for data exchange between devices over a network. Java's java.net package provides classes for creating sockets and managing network communication. Developers can create server and client applications that utilize sockets to send and receive data, enabling efficient, reliable, and platform-independent network communication. This is crucial for various networked applications, such as web servers, chat applications, and remote data transfer systems.

Lambda Expression

Lambda expressions in Java are concise, anonymous functions that enable the representation of functional interfaces using a more compact syntax. They simplify code by reducing boilerplate, especially when working with collections or functional programming constructs. Lambdas are particularly useful in the context of Java's Stream API for efficient data manipulation. They enhance code readability and maintainability by encapsulating behavior as a method argument, promoting functional programming paradigms.


Packages in Java are a way to organize classes and interfaces. They provide a hierarchical structure, preventing naming conflicts and simplifying code management. Packages help maintain code modularity and reusability.

Object-Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java is a programming paradigm that uses classes and objects to model and structure code. It promotes encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism for creating modular, reusable, and organized software.

What You'll Learn in Our Java Training in Visakhapatnam

By the end of our Java training in vizag, you'll have the knowledge and skills to create Java applications, work with Java libraries, and even start building your own projects. Our instructors will guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you gain a deep understanding of Java concepts.

So, if you're in Visakhapatnam and looking for top-notch Java training, our Java course in Visakhapatnam is your gateway to a promising career in programming. Join us today to kick-start your journey as a Java developer and open up a world of opportunities. Don't miss this chance to enhance your skills and boost your career prospects. Enroll now in our Java Training Institute in Visakhapatnam.

We offer Java Certification Course Projects with Real-Time Experience in Visakhapatnam.

Throughout the course, you'll have the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills by working on practical hands-on projects. These projects will simulate real-world scenarios, providing you with the experience and confidence needed to tackle Java development challenges.

  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from industry experts with a wealth of experience in Java development.
  • Practical Learning: Emphasizing hands-on experience to ensure you can apply your skills effectively.
  • Certification: Upon successfully completing the course, you will receive a Datapro certification, validating your Java proficiency.



What You'll Learn in Our Java Training in Visakhapatnam

By the end of our Java training in vizag, you'll have the knowledge and skills to create Java applications, work with Java libraries, and even start building your own projects. Our instructors will guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you gain a deep understanding of Java concepts.

So, if you're in Visakhapatnam and looking for top-notch Java training, our Java course in Visakhapatnam is your gateway to a promising career in programming. Join us today to kick-start your journey as a Java developer and open up a world of opportunities. Don't miss this chance to enhance your skills and boost your career prospects. Enroll now in our Java Training Institute in Visakhapatnam.

We offer Java Certification Course Projects with Real-Time Experience in Visakhapatnam.

Throughout the course, you'll have the opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills by working on practical hands-on projects. These projects will simulate real-world scenarios, providing you with the experience and confidence needed to tackle Java development challenges.

  • Experienced Instructors: Learn from industry experts with a wealth of experience in Java development.
  • Practical Learning: Emphasizing hands-on experience to ensure you can apply your skills effectively.
  • Certification: Upon successfully completing the course, you will receive a Datapro certification, validating your Java proficiency.